This file contains a list of changes that have been made to AutoTrack This list may not be the full history due to size limits.In the event of a query or for a complete history, please send an e-mail to Thank you for reading this information. P Squared Development team. v2.6.33 Due to new fields being added to the Q-NXT Database, you will need to quit from myriad and AutoTrack on every computer before running this version for the first time. If you don't, when you Send the Q-NXT log you will see a message that it could not add InformationString3 and 4 to the database. Quit from myriad and AutoTrack on all computers and then rerun and this will correct the problem. v2.6.28 Updated version number to Match Myriad v2.6.26 Fixed a problem with Scheduling Songs that have an End characteristic but not a start characteristic - this only occurred when the Song was scheduled after a jingle When Exporting a Cart to a Transport file from the Cart Report you would previously see a "Debug" message - this has been removed. v2.6.25 AutoTrack now includes the P Squared P-SQUISH based licensing system. More details can be found at The Support File system has been revamped to be more flexible as well as provide more comprehensive information in the Support File. v2.6.24 Improved handling of Cart's Copyright Details for non-pro users. Fixed a problem with the Song Category Follow Rules being incorrectly set if you had a gap in your Category Names (i.e. a Blank Category) Warning messages have been added to the Copyright Tabs of Edit Cart Details, the Song Card and the Jingle card warning that copyright details should always be entered on the Song and Jingle cards rather than on the Cart itself. Changed back the rules for Song Scheduling for types that are not allowed. A while ago it was changed so they would remain at the front of the deck. It has now been changed back to slightly throw these down the deck to get the out of the way of songs that are allowed. This solves a problem with songs that are never allowed to schedule due to Type Restrictions causing the deck to get ungentlemanly large. You can now change the capitalistation of an Artist simply by editing the details in the Song card. Previously once an artist had been added you could not change the capitalistation except in Artist Management (pro only) If a database is encountered that is corrupted, then a backup copy of the original file is taken (it has the same filename but is followed by a number and now has the extension .BAK) and then it is automatically repaired. v2.6.23 Made the Start and End date boxes for Songs and Jingles slightly wider to accomodate Large Font Mode Fixed a problem where you couldn't clear a selected Q-NXT v2 databases from the Settings window without first selecting another to enable the Clear button v2.6.22 Fixed a problem with Style scheduling on some very old databases. v2.6.21 Fixed a problem with corrupted recordings when using level trigger. Fixed a problem where databases that only use a single characteristic for both start and end of items wouldn't use the Characteristic Type rules. New Songs and Jingles will not have this issue, and the Check/Create GUID's tool menu option has been changed to also correct any issues with these Charactertics in items already in the database. You need only do this once. Fixed an issue with Scheduling in AutoTrack not reading the information about songs that have already been scheduled during later passes. Running Order Descriptions are now sent through to Q-NXT for use in OCP. Fixed a problem where overriding the styles on the AutoSchedule window meant only songs that had the very first style set would be scheduled. Also fixed a problem where style masks were only be read where Formats were forced in a Running Order, rather than using the ones from the Default Format. Fixed a problem with unscheduling an entire day but only wanting it to act on a masked section of each day. v2.6.19 If you force a Song or Jingle Category or a Song Type that is directly in a running order entry, and then delete that cat/type, it was not obvious in the Running order display that this cat/type no longer exists. This has been corrected. Added support for Myriad Transport Files. Corrected an issue that could result in distorted audio when exporting a Pad run to a single card. Fixed a problem where you couldn't sometimes remove/change information on song and jingle cards when they are associated with a Cart. Fixed a problem with unscheduling less that 24 hours from the log leaving several entries behind resulting in hours being stored/processed incorrectly. Progress is now displayed at the bottom of the Cart Report screen instead of as a popup window. v2.6.18 AutoTrack Pro users can now convert the audio format of wav files that they are "Mass Importing" v2.6.17 Sorting a Cart Report by Cart number now lists the carts in the correct order Fixed a problem where databases that have a lot of problems scheduling could cause AutoTrack to exit When you view a history for an item that has no history, the status bar now updates to show this. Fixed a problem where double clicking on the "week beginning" bar in the item history viewer would cause AutoTrack to exit. Fixed a problem where AutoTrack would exit whilst trying to report an error while scheduling a category with very few items in that had a search depth problem. Previously the option to log every item that was tried for a given slot in the schedule was not saved on exiting AutoTrack. It now is. - Note that using this option can generate very large files for each day scheduled, and should really only be used when trying to track down "unscheduled" item problems. v2.6.16 Fixed a problem where closing AutoTrack could be slow in some cases. Fixed a problem with UNC Myriad Data Locations being set to Top Level shares. Added version checking for future versions of AutoTrack databases as well as older versions. Fixed an issue with displaying histories where only the first hour of the last day was shown. Fixed a problem with Pro users where running the Song/Jingle Count report showed the total number of plays ever rather than for the date/time range. The Schedule Masks are now applied to the Playout Systems during Auto-Schedule/Un-schedule/Send to/Remove From playout systems (in other words you can now use the mask to say "only remove lunchtimes from the schedule". Remember that Green means "work on this hour" and red means "don't touch this hour" The Show Formats and Station Rules options have moved to their own tab on the main screen. Web Notes have been added to Songs and Jingles. These are passed all the way through to suitable playout systems. They are also updated on Carts if used with the Myriad Audiowall when opening/saving a song or jingle, and are now also updated by the Myriad Audiowall Update utility. Changed the Auto-Purging of Q-NXT logs to leave 1 day longer than asked in the database - that way if you say "1" day, it actually leaves yesterday, and the day before - this solves a problem with scheduling close to midnight The Reports menu has been shuffled slightly, and a new report added that allows you to quickly see how many times a song or jingle has been scheduled in total. This is very usefull in tracking down which songs are having trouble scheduling. When viewing Item histories, you can now narrow down how much history you want to see to a date range, and at the bottom of the window you are given details of on average, how often an item is being scheduled. This date range is automatically updated if leave the window open after scheduling/unscheduling. The Item History window in AutoTrack PRO also has a new summary page that tells you how many times the item was scheduled in which category, and therefore how often. You can enter up to "100" instead of "99" in Show Formats and Station Rules on the grids. Although there is no practical difference in the way that AutoTrack (for instance) works out Search Depths due to rounding, it makes it easier for humans to understand. AutoTrack Pro users can now include search results from more than one Song or Jingle Category or Song Type when doing searches. A new option is available on the dropdown list that allows you choose "Some Categories/Types". Clicking the choose button that then appears allows you to select the categories/types you want to search. You can also limit the search to only those that have Song Separation Overrides set on the Advanced Details tab AutoTrack Pro users can now specify a "Separation Override" per song. This overrides the normal separation for the category the song is in whenever this song is scheduled. AutoTrack Pro Users can now edit Artist Names and Song Titles from new options on the Songs menu .(These allow you to easily correct typo's and remove unused Artist Names). You can also set a "Separation Override" to override the normal separation for the category/for all songs when scheduling songs by the given artist. Artists can also be given a set of notes and pictures (these can also be read from any Carts for Myriad users) along with Run dates. These will be scheduled by AutoSchedule in a later version of AutoTrack. AutoTrack Pro users can now import audio files into the audiowall, and then straight into a song or jingle category using a brand new Import Audio Wizard. This is a radically different import utility than the one provided in Myriad Manager and includes a search facility that can check to see if the file you are importing already exists on the audiowall. Autotrack Pro users can now search the Songs list for songs that don't have a song type assigned. AutoTrack Pro users can now have two players on screen if they are detected in the computer. You can now set an average length for the songs in each song category, and for the jingles in each jingle category. This is then used when using Show Formats to choose categories in Running Orders when calculating the Estimated duration of songs and jingles in the final hour. There is an option on the Tools menu to have AutoTrack automatically scan the database and generate these numbers based on the actual songs and jingles in each categories. You are also prompted to do this after updating the information in AutoTrack from the Audiowall (Myriad Users) If you force a Song or Jingle in a Running Order, the length of that item is now used in the estimated duration of the hour at the bottom. GUIDS (Globally Unique IDentifiers) are now assigned to key information in the database. These are automatically assigned to new items (such as songs, jingles etc.) when you create them. AutoTrack automatically creates these GUIDS for existing items when you install this, or a newer version of Autotrack. A new option has been added to the tools menu to allow you to force this creation again manually. These GUIDS are used for certain internal functions, and more advanced functions in future versions of AutoTrack and AutoTrack Pro. Added a new option on the help menu called "Create P2 Support File". This packages up a collection of non-confidential information from your system along with a copy of your database and either copies it to a location on your computer, or uploads it over the internet to the P Squared Support team. We have added a Tools menu to the left of the Settings menu that contains a new option to "compact" the current database. This removes the empty spaces left after expiring/purging old scheduling histories, and can therefore speed up AutoTrack. Moved the "Remove Old Histories.." menu option from the advanced Reports onto the new tools menu (see above) More information is now displayed when viewing the reasons why a jingle or song didn't schedule becuase of Characteristics. Previously AutoTrack deliberately cleared the Category and Characteristic history when scheduling whenever a Running Order called for a jingle. By default, this information is now used either side of the jingle rather than losing it. You can run this off from a new setting on the Settings window. Improved listing of reasons why songs wouldn't schedule for given slot in the Log The Block Move Carts feature in the Cart Report has now been extended to automatically update the cart's song or jingle card to show the new cart number. The Mass Delete Carts feature in the Cart Report has now been extended to optionally delete any song or jingle cards in the current database that use that cart. When you delete a song or a jingle, you are now prompted as to whether you want the cart deleted as well. This can be turned off under More Settings in the Settings screen. You can now open multiple "Deck Viewers" and drag items from one to another. This allows you to quickly change the category that a song is in (i.e. drag it from a deck showing the "A List" to one showing the "Recurrent" category and the song will be moved to the new category. You can also drag items from Song and Jingle search results onto the Deck viewer as well. When you save a song or jingle's details, any deck viewers that are open and showing the song or jingle are updated to reflect any changes (i.e. title or category) The deck viewers now only update when nescessary, rather than every time you click on them! Myriad Users can now use Multiple Configurations in AutoTrack as well as Myriad You can now view Song Title history (i.e. how often several songs with the same title are scheduled) Song and Jingle Search results have been give a slight graphical overhaul, and now handles errors while printing better. You can also now delete more than one song/jingle at a time. You can also now "Export" a list of the selected items in a song/jingle search to a pad. This pad can be incredibly usefull - for example, you may have searched for a certain set of songs and then selected a specific few of them. Export these to a pad and then save the pad to a file. You now have a list of items that need attention. When you drag items from the pad onto the gray area of the main autotrack window, AutoTrack automatically looks up the item in the database and shows the song card for the item. Becuase you can come back to this list at any time, it becomes incredibly usefull for keeping a list of items that need adjustment that you don't have to do all in one go - simply remove items as you do them (double click) and then save the pad before you finish for the time being. This is only suitable for cards that point at a cart on the audiowall - other cards will have a similar feature added in future. The list of Running Orders has a new look and you can now print the list, and delete more than one running order at a time. The Show Formats and Station Rules have a new look, and as above you can now print the list and delete more than one at a time. You also now select the defaults by putting a check next to the default When you run a cart report, you are now first asked whether the results should be limited to carts in or not in parts of the database (i.e. songs/jingles etc.). Therefore the Cart Report on the Reports and Statistics menu is no longer nescessary A new button has been added to the Cart Report to allow you to "Mass Import" the selected carts into a chosen Song or Jingle category. This is not ideal as you should carefully decide which songs should go where in the database, but is usefull to get you going quickly. It also allows non-AutoTrack Pro users to import new files in conjunction with the import audio feature in Myriad Manager. AutoTrack no longer prompts you when you first open a new database to connect it to an old v2 Myriad Database. It does still prompt to connect to a v2.6 database. When you edit a song or jingle that has a cart on the audiowall, the intro, extro and length fields are all now disabled. The information in them is then set at whatever the cart has. When creating a new song or jingle card, the information is copied from the cart every time you change the cart number until you personally edit the title at which point the information is "locked" into the card. When you drag a cart from the cart Browser onto the main window area, AutoTrack looks up the cart in both the song and jingle databases and displays the appropriate card if it can find it. If not, a new "Smart Display" feature will then create a new jingle card if the cart is less than 100 seconds long, or a song if at least 100 Seconds. If Smart display is turned off (from the General Settings window under Miscellaneous settings) it creates a new card based on which tab you have selected on the main window (ie. Songs/Jingles) You can also drag a cart onto an open Song or Jingle deck viewer to import it into that category. If the cart is already in the database, it is moved from it's current category into the new category. The Copyright Report Generator now only works with Myriad v2.6 play logs. If you need to run a report for Myriad v2.5 or earlier, please contact P Squared. AutoTrack now only automatically updates the Song, Jingle and Schedule Information stored in the playout system if something has changed. i.e. if you don't edit a song, it won't automatically update the songs, but if you have edited a schedule, the schedule information IS updated. You can still force a complete update by clicking the Update Information button. The date,time and the name of the current user are now logged onto each song and jingle card whenever they are edited or (from now on) when first added. New search options have been added to then search for (say) "Songs that were added after a certain date". Obviously as this is a new feature, songs and jingles that are already in your database do not have a date, so are assumed to have been entered before any date you search by - in other words, no matter what date you search for songs/jingles added before you upgraded will always be returned. Scheduling/Unscheduling, Pushing and Pulling into/from Q-NXT are now logged in the user history Added another option to the Myriad Audiowall Update Utility that copies the song and jingle titles and artists onto the carts on the audiowall, overwriting the current descriptions. Be very carefull with this option and consider whether you want to alter both songs and jingles, or just one type. The Underrunning hours report now reads the lengths of carts from the audiowall. Corrected a minor problem with saving jingles when you are using Characteristics Fixed a problem unscheduling some american date formatted databases Fixed a problem where if you had a format with categories but absolutely no weightings, AutoTrack would unceremoniously exit when scheduling. Fixed a problem with having running orders that have apostrophes in the titles or references. Fixed a problem where the "Fill Day" button on the Running Order assignments grid didn't work. Fixed a problem with having databases filenames that start with a number You can now bring up a Pad in AutoTrack. Exporting the results from a Cart Report - these are now exported to a pad on screen rather than straight to a file. Fixed a problem with handling rogue characteristic values in Songs and Jingles v2.6.11 Changed version number to match Myriad v2.6 release number Fixed a problem with updating Information in databases used by Myriad v2.5 v2.6.6 Improved support for opening corrupted Running Orders. If a song is not chosen becuase a category is forced, but there is none allowed to be chosen in the format becuase the search depth is 0, this is now shown on the Schedule Viewer v2.6.5 Fixed a problem where the Automatic expire facility could remove more old log files than it should. This problem did not cause any operational difficulties. The new look v2.6 cart browser has been introduced. v2.6.4 Fixed a problem where scheduling more than a day or so without any unscheduled items could cause the program to exit. AutoTrack now checks when you start AutoTrack with an existing database to see if the Station ID code you are using is already in use by another database. v2.6.3 Fixed a couple of bugs with viewing Item Histories. When you delete a cart associated with a song or a jingle from within the song or jingle card, you are now asked if you want to delete that song/jingle. AutoTrack now supports importing and exporting Cart Chunk compatible files, and importing from Broadcast Wave format files. The license engine has been updated to give more descriptive messages when license codes are not entered correctly. It also now has better interaction with the Auto-Schedule window. The Copyright Report Generator is not capable of reading play logs from Myriad v2.6. This will remain so until Myriad v2.6 is established. Contact P Squared for more information. The following are taken from the Myriad v2.6 update file: >Probably the most asked for feature since Myriad v2.0 was released is now part of myriad - longer cart descriptions. You can now have up to 50 characters per line rather than the old limit of 20. You should avoid using older versions of Myriad with this or any newer versions of the audiowall as the descriptions will not be updated properly by older versions. Your existing carts however should be displayed properly. When Myriad starts for the first time, it will automatically back up your old cart lists into a Backups folder in the first cart location. This is in case you need to "rollback" to an older version of Myriad. The edit cart screen has been slightly altered to accomodate this change. >Myriad now logs played carts in a different way, so far more information is stored including which player it's played in, and what the hardware lines are set to. For more information, run a cart logs report in Myriad Manager. When you run a report for a day that contains items logged by both old versions of myriad, and new versions, the logs for a given day will show carts played by the old version, followed by those played by the new version. This means that older versions of the copyright report generator will not be able to process files from earlier versions of Myriad. >There is a new tab on the Edit Cart window that has many new features: ** New Loop section - allows you to define a section of the cart that will be repeated until you press play again, or an optional number of loops has been performed. You can also choose whether the cart "jumps" to the end of the loop when you press play again or whether it smoothly exits. You cannot have a loop start position before 4.5 seconds, and the longer the loop the better the response on exit. Compressed carts are not as accurate as Linear carts as they use a different internal structure. If a looping cart is being played by Q-NXT and is in the loop, Q-NXT Go will finish the loop rather than move straight onto the next item. ** You can set a "Hook" start and end - these allow you to define a section of a cart. For example a key part of a track for a "coming next" type feature. ** You can make certain hardware lines to be triggered at certain points in the audio. At present these are not undone when a cart ejects, so you should always ensure that you leave the hardware lines in a suitable state at the end (or when ejected early). >On the Edit Cart window on the 'Other' tab is a new option to erase the Last Plays history from the edited cart. This history is responsible for highlighting a cart after it has been played (if this mode is enabled), and can be seen by right clicking on the cart and choosing the Information option. A mass erase option has also been added to the Cart Report screen in Myriad Manager. Updated the routines that export to Myriad v2.6 Q-NXT logs to match latest quidelines. Included support for all the new features on Myriad Carts (i.e. Looping/hooks etc.) Fixed a problem when you unschedule all the logs you have ever scheduled. Fixed a problem reading the StationIDCode from very old AutoTrack systems. The Full range of cart reports that are available in Myriad Manager are now available in AutoTrack. v2.6.2 Improved auto-detect of myriad installation When scheduling, during Choosing Song/Jingle categories, the Previous Song/Jingle Category/Type (if available) is cleared when it starts choosing for a new hour, or a Format is encountered. This means that the Category/Jingle follow rules are not used over an Hour Start or Format change. This is to resolve a problem that is caused if you have say a Jazz only hour, and in your rules say that Jazz can only be followed by Jazz, and then the next hour doesn't allow Jazz at all. The system gets stuck trying to choose the Jazz Category (becuase Jazz can only follow Jazz) but can't becuase Jazz isn't allowed. We have put in extra tests to detect if AutoTrack gets stuck Choosing Song/Jingle Categories so it can give up and move on. If this is the case, you can see by the message you get double clicking on the entry in the Schedule Viewer. AutoTrack now checks to see if the Station ID code you are using is already in use by another database. New installations of AutoTrack now prompt for a station name when they start. This is then applied to the database description. Searching for songs and jingles by characteristic has now been implemented A new report has been added that gives you a list of all the carts that are on the Audiowall that aren't on the database in a given cart range. Handling of problems while printing is much improved. Automatic removal of old scheduling history and log files has been implemented. Options for this are available on the Settings window. These include the ability to disable this feature, make it automatic and change whether you are asked before it's done. When enabled, this option runs once a week. This keeps your database small and fast. Removed the "Manual" option from the Playout mode drop down in the Running Order window as this mode will not be implemented by Myriad. v2.6.1 Every time you send new logs to Q-NXT, AutoTrack now updates the Song and schedule information stored in Q-NXT v2.6 databases automatically. Fixed a problem with where scheduling would crash if you "force" a specific jingle or song in a running order by specifying the song/jingle number. Inserted a workaround to resolve when you specify that a format can only choose from 1 category, but only allow a few in a row (i.e. set a low Maximum). AutoTrack now overrides it and allows it continue scheduling from one category in this case regardless of maximum. Fixed a problem that stopped you removing empty Song Categories and Types after telling that you that you had 0 songs in the empty cat/type V2.6.0 Due to changes in Myriad, support for cart TXT files has been dropped. The notes are now stored in the RTF files only. Added a new utility to copy information to or from the Audiowall. This replaces the older Cart menu options that copied copyright and notes informations. The new option is on the Cart menu. Added a scheduling report that can be run to tell you when hours are expected to underrun. This automatically runs after scheduling - this can be turned off in the settigs screen. AutoTrack now detects if it storing it's information in the same location as Myriad, and only saves any additional path information. This means, if the Myriad location changes, AutoTrack will automatically follow. Double clicking on an hour in the Schedule History Viewer now displays the log for that hour. You can now see the Song History from the Deck Viewer and from Song and Jingle Search Results windows. Right click on the item you want to see the history for. If a song or jingle shows as not scheduled in the Schedule Viewer, you can now double click on it to see why. This only tells you the reason why the last item tried in that slot failed. The default Format and Default Rules are now shown by the a "Yes" in a new "Default?" column, rather than the old Green bar AutoTrack is now built on our SmoothStream(TM) Audio Engine. This also means upgraded Cart Editing Support for Q-NXT v2.6 databases added. Changed the default max characteristic in a row to 10 for new Formats. When Scheduling: Jingles are now compared to the previous item, rather then just the previous jingle. Improved the way that Search Depths work. Jingles now search the entire deck, rather than just the first 50 jingles. Characteristic following has been improved. Jingle Follow Type/Category Checking has been implemented - determines what jingles can be played prior to songs of a certain type v2.5.70 Fixed a couple of issues with switching in and out of using Single Characteristics Mode. v2.5.69 Changed the default setting for new Autotrack databases so it doesn't assume that all entries can be faded in a Q-NXT log. The Song and Jingle Categories and Types are now displayed in the Scheduler Viewer. This takes effect from logs created after installing this update. When resizing the Schedule Viewer, the Category and Types now stretch rather than the descriptions. Fixed a problem where the Jingle and Song Deck viewers causes AutoTrack to unexpectedly end when you have not entered a set of Song or Jingle Categories v2.5.68 On Song and Jingle cards, the Artists lists now clear after saving a new song, so the new artists are added to the lists for next time. The song and Jingle notes fields now clear each time you start a new item. v2.5.67 Added several buttons to the song and jingle cards that allow you to quickly hear different portions of the song to set endings and Characteristics. v2.5.66 Fixed several problems with new databases not scheduling. Fixed a problem with canceling from choosing a database the first time you run AutoTrack. Added an Edit Button to the Song and Jingle Cards Corrected a problem with Jingle Song Follow Types/Cats where they would "scramble" if you have an empty song type /category. A similar problem has been fixed in station rules under which song types can follow another song type (Pro only) When you save a new song or jingle and the display is cleared, the display is shifted back to the first tab. Minor improvement to selecting Start and End dates for scheduling etc. causing it to check that the dates are valid (ie End is not before Start) straight away. Increased speed of loading and opening the Audiowall for Windows NT/2000 users. Fixed a problem caused by giving a song category a min and max other than zero, but with a weighting of zero. Improved display when scheduling to give more information about what is happening while selecting songs and jingles. v2.5.64 Fixed a problem with the Set BPM wizard. Improved hardware and source management so you can add and remove more entries 'on the fly' v2.5.63 Text notes are now copmletely sent to Myriad v2.5 rather than just a single line of the full text. v2.5.62 This update is due to the myriad user database being updated: You can now use Login Names and passwords up to 20 characters long and can also now contain spaces. v2.5.60 AutoSchedule now now reads the "Category Weightings" from "Formats" that are specified within a Running Order, rather than just using the station default "Category Weightings". Changed the default weightings for jingle categories that are used when importing from Myriad v2 so that the first three are given a weighting - as per v2 defaults. v2.5.58 When Song and Jingle categories are scheduled, the names of the categories are displayed, rather than "Category 1" etc. User security control has been added for Myriad Users. Users must be given rights to manage AutoTrack databases using Myriad Manager before they can enter the system. Users can be allowed to use the system, but stopped from scheduling/modifying the Q-NXT Database. For more information on User security please see Myriad. There is a new Carts menu on the Main screen. The Cart Browser has been moved to this menu, and there is a new option that updates the Notes and Copyright information that is stored on the Audiowall from the information you have entered in the AutoTrack Database. The opposite option (copies information FROM the audiowall and updates the song and jingle cards) is also on the menu. The "Schedules have been created up until" display on the 'AutoSchedule','Unschedule' and 'Send/Remove from Playout" screens is now updated if you unschedule days as well. The setting for whether the playout systems should be affected when scheduling now affects unscheduling as well. Added Music Title and Performer fields to the Jingle and Song Cards. Also added Product Title to Jingle Cards. This information is copied from the cart if you browse to a cart or update it's details by editing the cart. When you save a song or jingle card the copyright, notes and 'ending' (songs only) information is updated on the audiowall as well as in AutoTrack. AutoTrack Pro now has the Copyright Report Generator built in. This takes the copyright information from the Cart Details, and then checks the Song or Jingle Cards for more information. (The Song and Jingle cards override the cart details). This can be found on the new 'Reports' menu. Creating a new jingle now sets the Jingle Category to the first in the list by default (same as songs). Start and End times can now be assigned to songs and jingles. This information is also imported from Myriad v2 information. Items become available on the start date and stop being available on the end date. v2.5.50 You can now view Song, Artist and Jingle scheduling histories directly from the Song or Jingle card. Under More Information, Click on either the history you want to see. Right clicking on a Song, Jingle or Cart in the schedule viewer now allows you to see the items details, and with Songs and Jingles, view it's scheduling history. Double clicking on a Song, Jingle or Cart in the Schedule viewer now brings up the items details. Corrected a problem with the way AutoTrack handles Categories and types that meant that new categories/types could not be added without causing havoc in the database. Right clicking on the Play button on Song and Jingle details now brings up the Edit Cart screen from Myriad to allow audio editing. Song Category Pass orders have been added. These allow you to direct AutoTrack to schedule a certain Category before another. This way you can say that it is a certain category is more important than another. To adjust the Pass order, use Station Rules. AutoTrack now automatically loads the database that was last being edited when it starts up. To change this so that you are asked to choose a database when you run AutoTrack, use the optionon the Settings menu under Program Settings. The 'Settings' menu has a new option 'Myriad Settings' containing a new option to alter the Myriad File and Cart locations. The 'Database Settings' menu option has also been moved to a new sub menu along with 'Hardware' and 'Sources'. After scheduling, AutoTrack can now be set to automatically send to the playout systems without asking. To change this setting, go to the Main Database settings and choose from the Drop down list under 'After Auto-Scheduling'. v2.5.48 Fixed a problem with Hour Restrictions not storing correctly. There is now a caption below each button on the Main window explaining the buttons functions. The number of songs and jingles, and the amount of time these are estimated to take are now shown at the bottom of Running Order Windows You can now change several hours Running Order Assignments by highlighting several rows, and choosing from the drop down list. When a 'Cart' is on a running order, you can now choose the cart to use from the Cart Browser by clicking the 'Select' box next to the cart number. If you 'Drag 'n' Drop' a cart from the Cart browser onto the main window, AutoTrack will search the song and jingle lists for that cart. If it's found then it is displayed. If it cannot be found then a new song or jingle is started (depending on the current selection on the tab strip to the left) and the cart number is set to the 'dropped' cart. The lines have been removed from the printouts. You can now change the directory that AutoTrack uses to store it's databases and scheduled logs in. This option is on the Settings menu. When you select it, it will warn you of what is to happen and then ask you for the new directory. After it has copied all the files across, it then reopens the database you were working on but from the new database. This option should only be used if you are sure you know what you are doing! It does not delete the old files. If you don't select a database from the Choose Database window, it no longer quits from the program, so you can alter some program settings without having any databases. v2.5.47 Inproved support for importing information from Myriad v2 systems when using AutoTrack Lite. There is also a new 'Automatic Import feature' that does all of the importing process from one click. v2.5.46 Corrected a problem with text messages causing Myriad v2.2 systems to crash with an 'Invalid Use of Null' message. v2.5.44 The Running Order Assignment Grid now shows the type of hour (Automation/Live Assist/Manual) by displaying a colour on the line. When importing Myriad v2 files, Autotrack now only asks you what directory to find files in if Myriad is not installed on the computer. Fixed a problem with clearing deleted Running Orders from the Running Order Assignments Grid. You can also now clear a running order from the grid to allow an hour to not be scheduled. v2.5.43 Corrected a problem with scheduling time specific advert breaks that caused only the adverts in midnight hours to schedule correctly. You can now alter the amount of time that must pass between songs by the same artist, or songs with the same title being scheduled. This can be changed from the Settings menu, under Database Settings. When creating a new set of Station Rules, the default search depths for categories is now 50 percent v2.5.42 The New option on the File menu now has a sub menu that allows you to choose what 'new item' to create (ie Song/Jingle/Running Order). A fourth option allows you to create a 'New Item' of the current type - Control-N still triggers this. AutoTrack Lite has been implemented. This does not affect users of the full version of AutoTrack. When Creating Myriad v2 Media Types, 'Hard Disc' media is no longer added as a media type to reduce confusion. v2.5.41 Simplified the method used to add dry voice jingles (sweepers) to the system. Underneath category on the Jingle Card is a new option 'This is a sweeper', Ticking this box causes the jingle to play as a sweeper on compatible systems. Corrected a few problems with viewing Jingle histories. When moving between text entry boxes on Song and Jingle cards, the text in the box now highlights as per Windows(TM) guidelines. Fixed the 'tab Order' on the Database Settings window. Fixed a problem with AutoTrack not printing the first item in a search results list. Jingle Types have been removed. v2.5.40 Changing between different databases now doesn't hide the Audio Player. Improved Removing of entries from Q-NXT Databases Corrected a problem with Shuffling Song decks that caused the decks to be slightly 'scrambled'. You should 'Rebuild Song Decks' if you think that you may have suffered in the past. The Song and Jingle Numbers are now always shown on their respective Cards You can now print out Song and Jingle Search results. You can temporarily reduce the number of columns shown on the song and Jingle Search Results screens by right clicking on the button at the top (hint : used to sort the columns) and choosing the hide option. This also stops that column from being printed. v2.5.39 Fixed several problems relating to scheduling only parts of days. This caused some hours to remain unscheduled, and also made it difficult to unschedule parts of days, especially when starting on one day and ending on another - ie from 03:00 Monday to 09:00 Tuesday would cause the early parts of Tuesday (ie <03:00) not to be manipulated. Corrected a problem that meant you could not remove 23:00 hours from Q-NXT The Setup for several new rules has been added to Station Rules in preparation for more scheduling control coming soon. v2.5.36 Corrected a problem with sending to Myriad v2 systems that could causes Null Entry errors with Text Messages v2.5.34 There are two new options under Q-NXT Setup that override the Scheduled information. 'Allow any song to be dropped' and 'Allow any song to be faded' By default these are both on. They allow the Q-NXT AutoFade system to 'Run To Time' by fading and dropping according to the rules. Style Scheduling has now been implemented and there is now an additional tab on the Scheduling window to allow you to override the styles you have preset, with a different set for the current scheduling period. The Following changes have been made to the Running order windows: ..Updated to give it the 'AutoTrack' Feel, with OK, Cancel, Find, Clear, and Delete buttons. The entry selection buttons have been removed. ..It now correctly asks you if you want to save the running order if you remove or insert a line. ..The widths of the Category and Type Columns has been increased to display more text. v2.5.29 When copying the entries into Q-NXT, the lengths of the items is taken into account so Q-NXT can estimate where in the log is the best place to jump to when pressing Home or starting up. You are now warned if you attempt to save a Running Order where the Run To Time is selected, but you haven't selected 'AutoMation' as the playout mode. v2.5.28 You can now unschedule part of day starting and ending at any hour (ie 22:00 to 23:59 etc.) without getting a nasty error message. When used witht a Myriad System, Hard Disk/Cart items now read their Text display information from the carts, rather than just displaying 'Hard Disk item 23' or 'Cart 23' v2.5.25 Corrected some problems with adding jingles, and also the assignation of Jingle Types The "Search for Jingle" window erroneously displayed the song categories and Types, this has been corrected. If you only have 1 song or 1 jingle in your database, you could not delete that item. You can now. Lengths of audio items (Songs, Jingles, or Carts/HD Items) is now passed to Q-NXT for display purposes. Corrected several issues with printing logs. v2.5.19 The Manual/Live Assist/Automation Setting on each Running Order is now taken into account when sending information to Q-NXT The text information for text messages is now fully passed to Q-NXT Previously the Q-NXT output incorrectly caused Q-NXT to display the wrong media types next to songs (ie CD or MD etc) Un-Scheduling has been improved and now correctly clears the Scheduling history for each hour 'Un-Scheduled' A problem with Week Grids (as used in Song and Jingle Hour Restrictions, and the Scheduling Mask) has been fixed where you could only select several hours if you released the mouse button inside the grid, you can now select several hours far more easily. Corrected a problem with Displaying Song Search results that resulted in empty columns being displayed when they should have been invisible. v2.5.18 Corrected a problem with Songs and Jingles where the Record Label information was not saved. Previously, When selecting several hours in the Running Order Assignments grid and entering (or choosing) a new reference, it would not update the other hours correctly. This has now been fixed. Several windows have a 'Find' button at the bottom to look for 'information cards'. Previously the hotkey for these was ALT+F, this has now been changed to ALT+I to allow correct operation of the File Menu The Running Order screen now has the Reference name at the top. This allows you to open an existing Running Order, change the reference and save it as new running order with the new Reference. The Jingle and Song Cards now have Delete buttons at the bottom that allow you to remove that item from the database. They are only enabled immediately after you click 'Find' or first open the window. The Jingle and Song Search Results and also the List Running Orders now have a right click menu that allow you to edit or delete the highlighted item.