Licensing Frequently Asked Questions:
did you change the way License Codes work - I thought the old system
worked just fine?
Why do I have to
get a new License Code every now and again? I thought I'd paid for
it already?
What is a
P-SQUID and what is it used for?
What is a 'Features Code'
and an 'Activation Code' (aka 'P-SQUISH')?
to stop me just typing the
License into to several computers?
How does this
affect me - bottom line - does it cost anything?
products use this system?
If you have any further
questions please email
did you change the way License Codes work - I thought the old system
worked just fine?
It did - it's
just that we now have more products, and more features per
product. Coupled with the need to stay ahead of software
pirates, this means more complexity in the way License Codes
are created and verified. We also wanted to find a simpler
way for our customers to deal with License Codes, and also
simplify the way our own internal systems and procedures
work.We know that for stations that
aren't able to contact us during office hours that
licensing is a pain - you have to write down the various
pieces of information and email them over, and then wait
for a reply the next working day. Also for stations with
high numbers of licenses it can be a very time consuming
process to get them all renewed.
P Squared has
grown far more quickly than we imagined it would when we
first started, and the systems that have grown up inside P
Squared have all been separate - for instance until Summer
2001, the contact numbers and details stored by the sales
department had no meaning to the Technical department - they
kept their own separate details for each customer. This
meant updating two separate systems every time a customers
telephone number or other details changed.
Since then we have simplified the way we handle
customer accounts internally so every department has
exactly the same information as all of the others - in other
words, the P-SQUID. We are now using these
outside of the office. In fact, your accounts department
already has the P-SQUID on the top of every invoice!
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do I have to get a new License Code every now and again? I thought I'd
paid for
it already?
You have - the
License Code is simply there to ensure that should someone
get a copy of your software, they cannot use it because they
won't have the License Codes. New license codes are issued completely free of charge for the
duration of the license (usually 50 years)
copyright theft is a very serious problem - the Federation
Against Software Theft has estimated that over a third
(35%) of all software in use around the globe is being used
illegally. This costs the software industry billions each
year in lost revenues and legal actions - the bottom line is
that software companies have to restrict the amount they
spend on development - and this means less features for
legal users.
At P Squared,
we have a duty to ensure that our software can only be used
legally by registered users to ensure that we all stay
within the law, and that no-one is being 'ripped off'.
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What is a
P-SQUID and what is it used for?
a P Squared Unique Identifier.
It is a code up to 8 characters long that we use to uniquely
identify you and any software that you purchase from us. You
can consider it an 'Account Number' that you can use
whenever you need to talk to us about your purchases
used for every contact that you have with us - from
quickly requesting a quote for new items from us, to
getting the latest support and software updates. It is also
your reference ID for all paper work and license documents. Back To Top>
What is a 'Features Code' and an
'Activation Code' (aka 'P-SQUISH')?
The 'Features Code' is a special code that enables certain features in
a given product. If you add (or indeed remove) features from a
product, you may be issued a new Features Code which reflects
these changes.
An 'Activation
Code' (previously known as a 'P-SQUISH' which
stands for "P Squared Unique Individual
Hash") is a special code that your software will
display when it is time to get a new License Code from us.
The principle is almost identical to Microsoft's
Activation Code, so if you have ever had to Activate
your copy of Windows or Microsoft Office over the
telephone then you already know what we are talking
If you are licensing
via our Online Licensing Website (
you enter the Activation Code into the website to
receive your license code.
Alternately you can read this
Activation Code to us over the telephone (or send it to
us in an email or on a fax) and we will then give you a
matching License Code.
Most people never see
the Activation Code because they license easily and
completely automatically using the 'Renew Online' method
in the License Wizard.
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What's to stop me just typing the License into to several computers?
Obviously we
can't explain the way the new system works fully, but no two
computers will ever generate the same P-SQUISH, and because
the License Codes can only be used with that P-SQUISH, the
code cannot be entered on more than one computer.
Also, the code can only be used once - when you type it into
the computer, it cannot be used again.
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How does this
affect me - bottom line - does it cost anything?
not. There are no charges for License Codes once you have
paid for the software. Back To Top>
What products
use this system?
All new products since January 2006 use the new system,
and most products released before this date have since been
upgraded to use it as well.
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If you have any questions that aren't answered
here, please email
and we will be happy to help. |